Thank you for visiting our website. It is our hope that the information will help if you are looking for a church to visit while on vacation or seeking to find a local church home.
Most of the people who visit from out of town have great church homes back home. It is our desire to be a blessing and provide a worship service where you and your family can come with confidence. Our commitment is to always engage in Christ-honoring music and preaching
that is centered on God’s Word. In addition we make ourselves available to help, when needed, throughout the week. You never know when an emergency might change everything so my cell number is available for you to access help.
If you are looking for a local church family we hope this website will give you a clear introduction to our ministry. I would like to encourage you to listen to some of the messages and explore the “What We Believe” section. If you have any questions or would like to talk about the church please give me a call or send me an email.
Thanks again for visiting our site today and I hope you will be able to visit with us soon!
Pastor Tony Facenda
Personal Cell # 252-256-1351